a celebration of family and mother/parenthood. But with an intercountry adoption shower, you also celebrate the merging of different cultural backgrounds into one family. The adopted child’s country is part of his/her life story and has special meaning to the adoptive parents who spent a significant amount of time in the country. The adoptive parents’ country becomes a new chapter in the adoptive child’s life story, and over time, s/he will start to feel at home in the adoptive country.
A creative way to celebrate an intercountry
adoption shower is to incorporate country flags. You can do this either directly (using the
actual flag in your decorations) or indirectly (simply using the flag’s colors,
but not the actual flag). The great
thing about this approach is that you can fit your designs within your party size
and budget, whether large or limited. You can limit your decorations to a simple one-table center piece or
color-coordinated streamers, or coordinate dessert tables and cupcakes
with elaborate decorations and matching guest goodie bags.
Over the next couple of blogs, we
will outline some specific ideas for table center pieces you can dress up or
down, as well as creative suggestions for cupcakes and guest goodie bags. We will also offer some original ideas for
domestic and foster-to-adoption showers.
There are so many things to cover, we can’t wait to share them all with
If you have any creative ideas,
please post them on our blog, our website (www.adoptedwithlove.com) or email
them to us and we will discuss them with your permission. The more the better!
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